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Stasi U.S.A.

To the tune of “Surfin’ U.S.A.” & “Sweet Little Sixteen

Mobilizin’ the feds now
Across the U.S.A.
Chasin’ mom and pop “terrorists
In my Virgin-I-A.
We see them raidin’ our houses,
Seizin’ valuables, too.
Wray and Garland should scare you.
Stasi U.S.A.

They’ve been raidin’ Mar-a-Lago, (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Manufacturing crime. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Chrushin’ Stone and Manafort, (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
General Flynn and Carter Page. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
All over Julian Assange (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
And Papadopoulos, too. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Creepy Joe should scare you.

Stasi U.S.A.

Joe’s emoting with clinched fists
Up by the Liberty Bell,
With a flame-colored background
Like a vision from hell,
While his goons take the cell phone
Of the pitch man Lindell.
Just another bad day in
Stasi U.S.A.

They’re targeting “deniers” (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Of the election joke. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Lockin’ up trespassers, (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
No, the system ain’t broke. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Fillin’ up a new Gulag (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
With plain, decent folk. (insane, deranged U.S.A.)
Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.

Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.
Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.
Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.

Yeah, Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.
Yeah, Wray and Garland should scare you,
Stasi U.S.A.

David Martin

2 Thoughts to “Stasi U.S.A.”

  1. Madeline K. Carter

    If only they had listened to Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr.

  2. Valerie Protopapas

    I remember hearing one person who had been so targeted saying that those holding him and his family kept looking at him in such a way as to assure him that they “were only following orders” and had no personal grudge against the man. Isn’t that what the Nazis said at Nuremberg? We were only following orders? Were the exonerated when they used that “excuse?” I think not. Why do these men use it now? Is it because they’re Americans and not Germans? And we must all realize that it is only because so many “follow orders” that these things can be done in the first place.

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